is this working. ok

hello there ! welcome to the Webbed Site

I made this on a complete impulse. I have no idea what I'm doing here but it's pretty cool

what can you do here? not much, actually. I didn't actually make any plans about what I wanted to create before I dived into neocities. I probably shouldn't have skipped over that.

but since this is my own creation and I can do whatever I want forever, I can just put things related to myself or my interests here! wow!! wild !
that's probably what most people do anyways

whenever you feel like checking any of that out you can just click the cool buttons on the side that I made. do you like them.

(except most if not all of the buttons don't even work yet because I don't know what I'm doing and this is barely even done teehee)

a bit about me

actually I'll fill this one out later